A truly Glaswegian cocktail collaboration! Cocktail Collective x The Bevy Store x Liquid Oats

At the beginning of June we launched the collaboration between Cocktail Collective X The Bevy Store X Liquid Oats. This collaboration comes as no surprise as Liquid Oats is rapidly growing vegan friendly whisky liqueur with flavour notes of Vanilla and Honey, although no bee’s are harmed in the making!

Liquid Oats is a Scottish whisky liqueur made here at our production facility in Shawlands. The brand launched in 2020 and has quickly become a staple in Glaswegian’s drinks cabinets, but we can assure you it doesn’t last long. This smooth vegan friendly liqueur is a real crowd pleaser best enjoyed over ice with friends or shaken up in a cocktail.

Liquid Oats has recently won an award with the International Wine and Spirits Company (IWSC) recognising the delicious flavoursome liqueur only one year in.

With a distinct Vanilla and Honey flavour profile, Liquid Oats is a perfect addition to cocktails needing that extra kick of flavour. This is when the collaboration between Cocktail Collective, The Bevy Store and Liquid Oats began to make sense.

We have released a Liquid Oats Russian, Liquid Oat Colada and Liquid Pornstar Martini. A twist on all the classics! Give them a try and let us know what you think.


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